Rocky Mountain Instrument


RMI CLOSING BUSINESS!  A number of years ago, RMI announced cessation of sales of our microMonitor and microEncoder.  We now announce that as of 12/31/2011, we will cease all business operations.  Sales of all of our remaining services have already essentially halted, so expenses of the business are no longer acceptable.

As I am going into full retirement, phone service, credit card sales, and upgrade products will be discontinued.  I WILL, however, attempt to help you loyal customers that have technical or service questions about our products... by EMAIL (

The website will remain on line, and I will continue to add information so you can access manuals and continue to find sources of sensors and other parts that might need replacing.

Thanks for all your support over the years....

RMI NO LONGER HAS A PO BOX ADDRESS!  All mail and shipping should go to the 493 address shown in the contact information.


Welcome to Rocky Mountain Instrument. Experimental aircraft all over the world are using the microENCODER and microMONITOR to add safety, reduce panel space and enjoy computer-based electronic instrumentation.

Almost all of the information that you could want to know is contained in these pages. You may download and print specifications, pricing and options on both of RMI's products using your browser's save and/or print functions. This website contains all of the same information that we would normally send out in response to a request for literature. In addition, you may read magazine reviews on our instruments and even download and view/print our manuals for free!

Rocky Mountain Instrument is now in our 27th year, offering high quality aircraft instruments in both kit and manufactured form. We emphasize after-sale customer support... our best source of new customers is our old customers!

Front view of RMI microMonitor.Front view of RMI microEncoder.

WE’VE MOVED.  Click the “How to Contact” link on the left for details.

DEGREES FAHRENHEIT on the µMonitor… FINALLY!  That is just the start.  Additional features are percent power, RS232 serial port with engine data download for analysis, free software upgrades and much more.  Check out the new manuals and specifications.  And the same capability of the new unit is available as an upgrade to all units now in the field.

NEW WIRING ACCESSORY! Check out the RM-1B wiring harness expander for the microMONITOR at Vx Aviation. It replaces the home-made 50pin connector detailed in the installation manual.